So, I know I suck at this blogging thing! I promise I probably get on every day to catch up on everyone else's lives! HAHAHA, maybe I should try and do some short posts every once in a while! LOL
So my life right now is pretty much as busy and boring as ever. Tons and tons of work! I work full time at the elementary school Edith Bowen...this is my 4th year there. I used to LOVE it. I am a special education aide there...well up until recently when they decided my student was doing so great (YAY:) that he didn't need me as much. Well instead of moving me to someone else, they put me in a lonely cubical full of paperwork. LOL I pretty much hate it- hahaha I should be grateful for me job and I am..but its just hard going from absolutly loving my job so much I wouldn't even think of moving and getting married this school year, to every morning dread for work...and maybe moving up the wedding bell plans-hahaha Don't worry there is still NO ring yet..so don't mark those calendars yet!...I am also working part time at Maurices in the mall..so between the two--I am BUSY, TIRED, and POOR--hahahaha I am horrible at saving money!
Josh and I are still going strong! LOL We have officially been together for 7 months and dating for 9 months. I love him! Its still crazy, I can't believe that our story worked out jow it did...for those of you who don't know. Josh was one of my brothers companions on his mission in California. I saw a video the two of them made on their mission and thought it was so funny! My family joked from that moment that we would be perfect for each other! LOL, I secretly thought he was adorably cute! My friends and I would mention him in our home movies (yeah, we are lame and make stupid videos of ourselves)..but we would from like forever ago! And now some letters back and forth, 2 homecomings, a lost bet for the superbowl, tons of dates, and a bazillion miles on my car..here we are! LOL Sometimes people ask if I am worried that I dont have a ring yet- and to them I say NO! HAHAHA, we are having fun, taking it slow...and it will happen eventually ;) LOL
Other than that...hmmm.... Life is just peachy :) I turned 23 on November 8th this year..it sounds OLD to me! It was really fun! No pictures from the parties, but I was very spoiled! I received the most beautiful bouquet from Josh! It was amazing! And to show that I am not really THAT old..I am SO excited for Twilight 4 coming on Friday! HAHA-they are so stupid, but they are my guilty pleasure okay!
I love this time of year! Well..only the holidays! Once January hits I am ready for Summer vacation! I HATE snow--okay i dont hate snow..I hate snow and ice on the roads and side walks! I swear no one slips as much as me! HAHAHA Fall was amazing and I will post some pics to recap August-November so far :) Enjoy! Oh and PS- the bestie, Sister Shayna Robinette, will return from her mission on December 17, 2011 and her homecoming will be the following day! I am so excited! 33 days until she gets home! She is such an amazing missionary and I can't wait til she is back home!